Thursday, April 14, 2011

Running for Chocolate

Did you know that a study has been released that states having caffeine after a run may trigger damaged skin cells to self destruct before they turn cancerous? Sunblock should ALWAYS be used.

Having caffeine before exercise is a benefit for endurance.

I also read recently that chocolate milk is better for you pre and post exercise than those fancy protein drinks. It has the carbs in it you use for energy during the run and for replenishing after.

To maximize the benefits of caffeine and exercise it is suggested that you should abstain from caffeine for three or four days prior to the long exercise event.

And my last bit of exercise info is that your body burns calories at a faster rate for at least one hour post exercise. (This means that anything you eat right after exercise is burned up right away and is almost like not eating...pretty much.)

Coffee and chocolate both contain comes the culmination of all the above information and the good part....

I can abstain from chocolate for three or four days, go running/mostly walking for two hours, (after a stop at Starbucks for a grande mocha frappalicious which has coffee AND chocolate AND milk, killing three birds with one stone). Then when I get home, I can have an entire container of Oreos and/or a whole bag of Hershey Treasures (which is something I have been doing on a regular basis for a while now, I just have not been doing this for the health benefits) followed by a chocolate milk chaser, not gain any weight AND fight off skin cancer!!! Which means I can rest later, in the lawn chair, catching some rays (with sunblock!).


Disclaimer: I am not a doctor. I am not an exercise expert. I am not getting monetary compensation from Oreos or Hershey's.


Lisa said...

Teri, you are so fun! I so enjoyed this post! I'm an athlete too, so I relate to what you write about caffeine and chocolate :) I love it! I always joke that my bicycling training is so I can eat cupcakes :) I like moderation in all things, and for me, that means desserts now and then!

Itsme. said...

I actually have a T-shirt that says "I run so I can eat chocolate cake!" Yes. Yes I do. And I try to do everything in moderation. Well, one time I tried anyway. :)