Monday, April 4, 2011

That's a lot of Cocoa

Did you know that globally we consume 600,000 tons of chocolate yearly? Americans consume 10-12 pounds of chocolate per year (some of us are over achievers and think this may be a low estimate). The Swiss consume 20-22 pounds per year. Swiss obesity statistics state only 6-7% of the public are obese. Versus 30% of Americans. You are counted as obese if you are 30 or more pounds over your "ideal" weight. I am not going to get into how to calculate all that. But it has to do with your BMI (Butt Moveability Indicator). If your butt beeps when you back up you may be obese. But really what I am saying is, based on the statistics above I can move to Switzerland, double the amount of chocolate I eat and remain at my current weight. Buh bye.


Diane Scholten said...

LOVE IT!!! Love the new def of BMI. Hey, leave room in your suitcase for my tiny Irish butt - I'm right behind you!

Bob Helmboldt said...

You are too funny, I get to go with you, correct?

Kristen said...

BUt I think they mostly eat the dark stuff...blech. And do they sell a good old fashioned Hershey's nugget with toffee and almonds? Me thinks not...stay. We'd miss you!

Itsme. said...

Irish butts always welcome. Especially when attached to such inspiring women! And Bob, you are pretty much stuck with me for (say this slowy and kind of ominously in a deep voice)ALL THE DAYS OF YOUR LIFE. And Krispy Creme, I would miss you too much to go.